Bruker D8 DISCOVER (2022)
The diffractometer and software are optimized for X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD). The diffractometer emits Cu Kα radiation with an X-ray generator that operates at 40 mA and 40 kV. Samples may be heated (up to 1200 °C in air, vacuum or inert gases). A monochromator can be attached for Cu Kα1 radiation. The high energy resolution detector is ideal for removing fluorescence (e.g. from samples containing Fe, Mn, Co, etc.).
Main components:
- Cu Kα radiation
- LYNXEYE XE-T detector
- AUTO-CHANGER (can load up to 30 samples)
- motorized divergence slits (default optics λCuKα1 = 1.5406 Å and λCuKα2 = 1.5444 Å)
- Johansson Monochromator for Cu Kα1 radiation (λCuKα1 = 1.5406 Å)
- Göbel mirror for parallel beam
- Anton-Paar HTK 1200N Chamber (RT – 1200 °C in air, vacuum or inert gases)
- Anton-Paar XRK 900 (RT – 900 °C in air, vacuum, inert gases or CO2)
- Bruker TC-TRANSMISSION (only for capillaries RT – 900 °C in air)
Sample holders
- zero-background silicon plate holders (defualt)
- PMMA well holders
- back-loaded well holders
- capillaries
- Kapton film holders (transmission and air sensitive samples)
- DIFFRAC.SUITE (data collection)
- DIFFRAC.EVA (data processing)
- TOPAS v6